How we are built different
SQREEM's AI buying platform means you can plan a campaign with thousands of individual audience cohorts and make millions of optimisations a day, with the push of a few buttons.
Massive supply chain efficiency means direct reductions on CPMs across all platforms like Meta, Google Adwords, Tik Tok, etc.
SQREEM has written the vast majority of digital media service layers into one, fully automated, and transparent software stack - giving you full control and visibility
SQREEM's architecture matches audiences behaviourally with publisher supply, in real-time. Any bid can be attached to an audience attribute, without the need for cookies
Managing and executing 'personalised' campaigns using Dynamic Creative Optimisation, becomes turnkey with our Smart Ads capability
Compatable with any and all 3rd party ad-serving and verification software
With the SQREEM AI core stack, campaigns can be seamlessly optimised across any combination of media partners (i.e. Meta, Linkedin, Google)
We’d love to talk, reach out to hear more